From the beginning I like the flow of the track. Very up beat with a nice groove that goes with your style of vocals. I also like the chord progression. It gives your more movement and helps to make your song feel more like a story. I also enjoyed the different instrumental breaks and reverb effects used. If the sound were recorded from the studio from a session instead of a sample or midi instruments, then congratulations on the mic’ing and mixing techniques used to give each instrument space and volume.

Very fun and folksy. I loved it. Relaxing and easy to get into. This song has he potential to be a huge folk hit. The guitar is super awesome and the drums are just the perfect meet for the melody. I liked the way the vocalist get you to follow him through the song and how the stings help him along. All in all a very great showing and I am very happy I listened to this one.

For ‘Trying To Get Clean

The introduction is very good. I love the different Latin type vibes you get from it. I feel the instruments used make the song perfect if you do some kind of dance like Latin as the beat is very clear making it perfect for the different steps you do. The rhythm and beat of the music makes you want to dance and I feel is great for the song. The melody is very upbeat and memorable. The vocals are great and fit very well with the genre of music and rhythm.

For ‘Your Boat

This song was very unique and organic, and was a little bit folksy. The intro was nice and I liked the way the voice started. It was mild and mellow in a good way. The lyrics sounded believable and poetic. It was almost like a poem in a song. The guitar translated well with the story in the song. The chorus melody was very nice. The harmony leading into the chorus was amazing.

For ‘When You Said

This is a beautiful sounding folk song. When I listened to this song, I couldn’t help but think of the television show “Game of Thrones” I feel like this is the kind of song that would be used during the ending credits of an episode. This has a bit of a Mumford and Sons sound to it … the guitar sounds beautiful and has a very pretty riff to it. As far as the vocals of the track go, they are spot on … Overall I could see this track being used as one of the singles off the record and I’d be interested in hearing what the rest of the record sounds like.

For ‘The Fall

Starting off, I am really enjoying this track. Its mellowing and entertaining. The intro is just right. The vocal are on beat with the melody of this track. I really like this track. I am not even sure how to explain this track. I just love the vibe that this track has to offer. It’s fulfilling, tuneful, entertaining and uplifting. This song has a lot of soul to offer. Could honestly see this track on local radio station.

For ‘Do Me A Favour