Check out this sweet track –
Tantinho by Carlinhos Brown.

This guy is a legend and has been one of my heroes since I first heard of him about 10 years ago. He mixes up a fantastic brew of amazing Brazilian rhythms with sweet singing and great songwriting (when I can understand the lyrics). And he’s a wicked percussionist.

Image thanks to

Check out this awesome track – ‘Negra Murguera en Vivo’ by Bersuit.

This band apparently takes about 20 dudes with them on tour, all singing, some of them playing percussion or just jumping about vibing with the music. What a sweet idea!

Hope you enjoy!

Image courtesy of YouTube


For all you kids out there into photography, you gotta check out Alexander Stoeckel – he composites images of people together with incredible backgrounds, think flying books, waves of incredible power, and time-frozen Matrix-style scenes.

Seriously hoping I can work with him in the near future.

Happy viewing!

If you don’t know this guy, you gotta check him out. He’s like a Puerto Rican guitar-playing Stevie Wonder – incredible voice and great chops on the nylon-string.

Here he does a sweet version of Bill Withers’ awesome tune Ain’t No Sunshine – and make sure you keep watching until the crazy roundup at the end.

Thanks to Oscar Poncell for the tip!